تحديث قبل 21 ساعة
The account is shared with several people Every person who enters the account opens a special page for him. The conversations are not overlapping, so you have the freedom to use them The subscription has more additional features, because it is a Teams subscription intended for participation and the team Subscription is 4 times faster because it is dedicated to sharing Your conversations appear only to you, unless someone has accessed the chat archive. Therefore, we recommend deleting the conversation after you finish using it to maintain your privacy, or you can leave it as it is. The account is shared with a maximum of 30-50 people -The subscription period is one full year with a guarantee (11 months) The subscription price from the Open AI website is $20, about 75 SAR per month, and the digital virus has officially provided it to you for a period of time. A whole year " Only for 75 SAR
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